«Internatonal Conference on Aviation Engineering»
Russia, Irkutsk Oblast’, Irkutsk National Research Technical University,
Irkutsk and Lake Baikal,
July 3-July 7, 2023
The XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innternational Conference on Aviation Engineering» is dedicated to topical issues of development in the field of modern aviation technologies.
The relevance of the event justified by the need of development of the domestic aircraft engineering industry, as well as the identification of new areas of R&D to ensure the creation of the next generation of competencies.
The purpose of the conference is to summarize the results of scientific research, exchange practical experience in the interests of developing advanced designs and technologies of aircraft and machanical engineering, establish and develop scientific, technical and business contacts with Russian scientists, scientific and educational organizations, developers, manufacturers and users of products and technologies of aircraft engineering complex, as well as improving the system of personnel training for enrerprises of the aircraft engineering complex.
The XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Interonational Conference on Aviation Engineering» has the following main sections:
- Mechanical Engineering;
- Materials Science and Additive Technologies;
- Aircraft Engineering and Operation of Aviation Equipment;
- Machine dynamics.
The languages of the conference are Russian and English. Simultaneous translation will only be availabe for online participants.
Control dates:
● Registration with indication of participarion (full-time/part-time) — until June 01, 2023.
● Provision of an article with an expert opinion on the possibility of publication in the public domain – until June 01, 2023.
● Expert evaluation of the article – until June 15, 2023.
●Provision of receipts for participation: in the conference (full–time/ part-time); in the excursion — until June 15, 2023 (if the acceptance of the report for participation in the conference is confirmed).